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NUTRIMAN: conversion application-driven science into user-driven “ready-for-practice”
25 10 2020
NUTRIMAN is a Nitrogen and Phosphorus recovery thematic network compiling knowledge of “ready-for-...
Technical proposals for the safe use of processed manure above the threshold established for nitrate vulnerable Zones by the Nitrate Directive
30 09 2020
The final JRC report on ' Technical proposals for the safe use of processed manure above the thresho...
A fantastic showcase of CIT and Interreg NWE research at CERI2020
24 09 2020
Researchers in Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) put on a fantastic showcase of their Interreg Nort...
Valorising nutrient-rich digestate: Dilution, settlement and membrane filtration processing for optimisation as a waste-based media for microalgal cultivation.
22 09 2020
Swansea University research team (Fernandes, F et al, 2020) published the peer review scientific pap...
Five waterboards in North Rhine-Westphalia join forces for P recovery from sewage sludge ashes
29 08 2020
Some of the issues dealt with in Phos4You will be further pursued in a national funding project. The...
A regulatory review on the use of digestate to cultivate algal biomass for animal feed
24 07 2020
The NNFCC in the scope of ALG-AD project produced a first report exploring EU legislation relevant...
Biorefinery Glas – A Farmer-centric Bioeconomy Approach
16 07 2020
Over the last 12 months, Biorefinery Glas, one of Europe’s first small-scale biorefinery demonstra...
Investment site 3 : General introduction and operation during COVID-19 crisis
23 06 2020
The Investment site 3 of Interreg NWE ALG-AD project is located within the premises of Innolab CVBA,...
ALG-AD activities for a long-term impact
22 05 2020
The ALG-AD project team has been continuously active during the lockdown period.  The remote workin...
ALG-AD in the time of coronavirus
24 04 2020
The ALG-AD project, like most across Europe, has been forced to shut down the majority of our facili...
Open day and workshop for partners
18 02 2020
Colleagues from Belgium and France travelled to South Wales at the start of the New Year for an open...
Fertimanure kicked off this month
27 01 2020
The kick-off meeting of the Fertimanure project was held on 9th and 10th of January in the Cambra de...