25 10 2020
NUTRIMAN: conversion application-driven science into user-driven “ready-for-practice”
The project focuses on connecting market competitive and commercially “ready for practice” innovative results drawn from high research maturity applied scientific programs and common industry practices.
The project aims to:
• Conserve the practical knowledge for the long term – beyond the project period up to 2031 – and also serve education and training purposes;
• Increase the flow of practical information between farmers in Europe in a geographically balanced way, creating spill-overs and taking account of the differences between territories;
• Achieve greater user acceptance of collected solutions and more intensive dissemination of existing knowledge.
Innovative Nitrogen and Phosphorus recovery technology/product information are now available in eight languages : French, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, German, Polish and Hungarian.
Welcome to Farmer Platform: https://nutriman.net/farmer-platform
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