Valorising nutrient-rich digestate: Dilution, settlement and membrane filtration processing for optimisation as a waste-based media for microalgal cultivation.
This paper demonstrated the research related to the processing of Anaerobic digestate to be ready for a use as a nutrient source for the algal cultivation process in mass scale.
Series of the experimental work restated after the covid-19 pandemic lockdown. The scientist Fleuriane Fernandes said: “This series of experiments will provide a very interesting dataset across the ALG-AD partnership and will contribute to improve the ALG-AD technology even further in terms of refining strain selection according to digestate provenance. Results so far are very promising and already showing some interesting trends”.
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The ALG-AD consortium had a success to run about 10 Facebook live sessions, speaking about important achievement of the project with all important participants. This activity brought a wide engagement with the scientific and non-scientific audience.
Further online events are planned for the coming year, including future Facebook live sessions, and specific topic webinars. The project consortium will be including these videos on our YouTube channel, and they are also working on a virtual exhibition to share ALG-AD results to interested stakeholders. Keep in touch with ALG-AD on twitter, linkedin and facebook to find out more about these upcoming events.