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HOOP – Investment Package Manual for European Cities and Regions – Volume I – EU Taxonomy applied to circular bio-based activities
Biorefine Cluster News Bulletin ‘ February – March 2023’
ReNu2Farm CAP – D1.3 Inventory Report on Producer Demands to customize new Target Groups along the Supply Chain
ReNu2Farm CAP: Legislation on recycling-derived fertilising products: changes, chances and challenges
ReNu2Farm CAP – D1.5 Factsheets on new products categories
ReNu2Farm CAP: D.T4.1.2: Protocol on the practical RDF application for horticultural sector (greenhouse trials)
Inventory Report on Market Research on RDFs– (Demand Chain) in the Recreational Area/Private Sector
Inventory Report on Market Research on RDFs– (Demand Chain) in the Horticulture Sector
Biorefine Cluster News Bulletin ‘ January 2023’
Lex4Bio – Assessing the phosphorus demand in European agricultural soils based on the Olsen method
Assessment of a quality and safety of water reuse for industrial and agricultural application
Biorefine Cluster News Bulletin ‘December 2022’