European Sustainable Nutrient Initiative 2022
Being one of the major events on nutrient recycling, ESNI offered a platform for fruitful discussion and exchange of knowledge on the sector in Europe. Policy-makers, researchers, industry representatives and many other stakeholders discussed how to raise awareness on the benefits of nutrient recycling and reuse (NRR).
In this edition, we showcased innovative solutions developed by projects of our community to create value added products from nutrient recycling and favor the transition to the circular economy. ESNI was also the occasion to launch the Nutrient Recycling Community, a platform intended to foster the collaboration with relevant initiatives and projects on nutrient recycling in Europe.
The event also included a policy session organised by Circular Agronomics which discussed ways to achieve the goals set by the Farm to Fork strategy for reduction in nutrient losses by 2030. This was fed from the results and experience developed in Circular Agronomics as well as in three other projects funded through the H2020 programme.
Did you miss the event? You can rewatch it here!
All the presentations are available below:
1 session. Towards the practical implementation of innovative solutions for nutrient recycling
- ALG-AD, Fleuriane Fernandes, Swansea University, United Kingdom
- Water2REturn, Pilar Zapata, Bioazul, Spain
- Ultimate, Anne Kleyböcker, Center of Competence for Water – Berlin, Germany
- WalNUT, Francisco Corona, Cartif, Spain
- Sea2Land, Miriam Pinto, Neiker, Spain
- Nutrient Recycling Community, Ana Robles, UGENT & Laia Llenas, UVIC, Spain