Water Recovery and use

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One of the UN’s Sustainable Goals focuses on ensuring availability and sustainable management of water for all. To achieve this, reducing our water footprint by water reuse is of utmost importance. Moreover, wastewaters can actually contain valuable molecules that can be recovered during treatment and used as a resource for the circular economy, further improving the sustainability of water reuse processes.


International water research networks offer solutions for water stress
26 08 2022
To get a sense of the drastic measures to prevent water scarcity across the world, just look at toma...
Biorefine Conference ‘The role of biorefineries in European agriculture’
30 06 2022
On 30th and 31st May, the Biorefine Cluster Europe held the first edition of its Biorefine Conferenc...
Updates from the Run4Life project
26 04 2022
With the final workshop at the end of November 2021 and the final review meeting in February 2022 th...


European Biosolids & Bioresources Conference & Exhibition

Europe’s premier event for bioresource and biowaste professionals providing an essential an...

18th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion

"Bridging waste to value through anaerobic digestion"

Biorefine Conference ‘The role of biorefineries in European agriculture’ (30 & 31 May 2022)

We are pleased to announce that the first edition of the Biorefine Conference 'The role o...


Biorefine News Bulletin ‘May-June 2024’
Biorefine Cluster Bulletin ‘March – April 2024’
ALG-AD Policy Report

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NINFA – TakiNg actIoN to prevent and mitigate pollution oF groundwAter bodies

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MicroAlgae 4.0 – Microalgae cultivation in a WRRF scheme to improve circularity and risk-based assurance in wastewater treatment using digital tools

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