ELLIPSE – Efficient and Novel Waste Streams Co-Processing to Obtain Bio-Based Solutions for Packaging and Agricultural Sectors
The integration of these waste streams as biorefinery feedstocks will allow reducing the volumes of landfilled waste, opening new avenues for platform chemicals and bioplastics production while creating additional revenue for the related industries generating them, with added advantages of water recycling, decreased soil degradation, groundwater pollution and methane emissions.
The ELLIPSE project has posed several ambitious objectives to reach:
- To apply effective pre-treatments for heterogeneous paper and slaughterhouse waste
- To improve the yield of VFA production in acidogenic fermentation
- To obtain PHBV copolymers through efficient and sustainable processes
- To obtain different PHBV grades according to the requirements of the final applications in the personal care and agricultural sectors
- To obtain PHBV-based compounds and wet compounds and demonstrate their performance through the production of prototypes for personal care and agricultural applications
- To validate enzymatic and chemical recycling to recover monomers that will be reincorporated into the production process
- To recover nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) to be used as bio-based fertilizers
- To demonstrate environmental and socio-economic sustainability of new biobased compounds/products and guarantee the safety of the new circular bioprocesses
- To apply/adapt mature/novel digital technologies
- To maximize the innovation impact by contributing to the dissemination post-project
- To determine public awareness and acceptance of bio-based polymers and to support acceptance of scalable bio-based solutions.
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Project Coordinator
AIMPLAS - Asociacion de investigacion de materiales plasticos y conexas, Spain
Project Partners
Biobase Europe pilot plant vzw, Belgium
Biotrend-inovacao e engenharia em Biotecnologia SA, Portugal
Novamont SPA, Italy
Bio-mi drustvo s ogranicenom odgovornoscu za proizvodnju istrazivanjei Razvoj, Croatia
Fundacion Cartif, Spain
Zero Emission Engineering BV, The Netherlands
University of Verona, Italy
Helian Polymers, The Netherlands
RWM Rouleaux Holding, The Netherlands
EnCo SRL, Italy
Best - bioenergy and Sustainable technologies GMBH, Austria
Green Generation Ireland Limited, Ireland
Laarkirchen Papier AG, Austria