
Towards sustainable resource

The Biorefine Cluster Europe interconnects projects and people within the domain of biobased resource recovery. The competence focus lies within the biorefinery sector: the refinement of chemicals, materials, energy and products from bio-based waste streams. Discover all our associated projects here below.

You can find a compilation of our active projects with detailed information about them. There is also a brief description of finished projects. If you would like to have more information about current or past projects, please don’t hesitate to send us an email to

Projects of the Biorefine Cluster

UNLOCK – Releasing the potential of feathers to foster circularity in agriculture

In the UNLOCK project, 15 partners from 7 EU countries work together to transform waste from the...

ECOFUNCO – ECO sustainable multi FUNctional biobased COATings with enhanced performance and end of life options

Low-valorised biomass sources – such as tomatoes, legumes, watermelons, sunflowers and shri...

SEA2LAND – Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes

SEA2LAND aims to provide solutions to help overcome challenges related to food production, climat...


The EU’s transition to a more sustainable and circular economy relies also on efforts...


ReNu2Farm aims at increasing recycling rates of the plant nutrients Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P)...


The NUTRI2CYCLE project recognizes Europe’s need to tackle the current nutrient flow gaps i...


Implemented zero-waste cascading valorization chain for the recovery of valuable natural products...


PROLIFIC will apply validate and scale up a range of processing technologies...


LEX4BIO will identify and quantify nutrient-rich side-streams and evaluates technologies for prod...


VALUEWASTE features the first complete solution to fully valorise urban biowastes into key strate...


REGATRACE (REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe) aims creating an efficient trade system based on...

FERTIMANURE – Innovative nutrient recovery from secondary sources – Production of high-added value FERTIlisers from animal MANURE

More than 90 % of the manure produced by livestock farms in the EU is used for land fertilisation...