
Towards sustainable resource

The Biorefine Cluster Europe interconnects projects and people within the domain of biobased resource recovery. The competence focus lies within the biorefinery sector: the refinement of chemicals, materials, energy and products from bio-based waste streams. Discover all our associated projects here below.

You can find a compilation of our active projects with detailed information about them. There is also a brief description of finished projects. If you would like to have more information about current or past projects, please don’t hesitate to send us an email to

Projects of the Biorefine Cluster

FUELPHORIA – Accelerating the sustainable production of advanced biofuels and RFNBOs – from feedstock to end-use

FUELPHORIA is an EU-funded Innovation Action project working to establ...

BBioNets: Creation and promotion of Forest and Agriculture Networks to boost Bio-Based Technologies adoption and Value Chain development

BBioNets is a thematic network that relies on, promotes and further advances the work carried out...


The Rejuice project's main goal is to develop at least three sustainable and economically in...

ALFA: Scaling up the market uptake of Renewable Energy Systems by unlocking the biogas potential of Agriculture and Livestock FArming

ALFA has the objective to help unlock the EU’s biogas production potential by fostering the...

SEMPRE-BIO – SEcuring doMestic PRoduction of cost-Effective BIOmethane

SEMPRE-BIO aims to demonstrate novel and cost-effective biomethane pro...

BioWILL – An Integrated Zero Waste Biorefinery

BioWILL is an Interreg NWE funded project focusing on Integrated "Zero Waste" Biorefine...

HIGFLY – HIGee to Furanic-based jet Fuel technologY

The EU-funded HIGFLY project plans to develop advanced technologies for producing jet fuels from...

F-Cubed – Future Feedstock Flexible Carbon Upgrading to Bio-Energy Dispatchable Carriers

The F-Cubed project aims to develop an advanced process for the hydrothermal treatment of biogeni...

BioDEN: A biorefinery approach to exploit digestate as key feedstock in the energy – nutrient nexus

The BioDEN project aims to create extra revenues for the biogas sector by developing a technology...

ULTIMATE: indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society

ULTIMATE is a Horizon2020 funded project that supports the transition from a linear to a Circular...


REGATRACE (REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe) aims creating an efficient trade system based on...