Workshop “Decentralised treatment for resource recovery from domestic wastewater”
To cover different aspects of this topic, several Run4Life partners shared the thoughts behind and updates of the work covered by the project: Aqualia, LeAF, DeSaH and WE&B. The workshop participants were introduced to the paradigm change in wastewater management proposed by Run4Life, optimal resource recovery based on the decentralised treatment of segregated streams of wastewater and kitchen waste. Furthermore, the crucial aspect of social acceptance of the decentralised concept, innovative technologies and use of the recovered products were presented. During the presentations the participants were engaged with polls and a live chat. The presentation about social acceptance was followed by an interactive whiteboard session in which participants were invited to express their ideas regarding decentralised resource recovery. Examples of concerns shared on the board are worries about the quality (safety, contaminants) and quantity (drop in the ocean) of the recovered fertilisers, and the management of the applied treatment and recovery technologies. Highlighted positive aspects were the use of existing technologies that can bring us back to a sustainable nutrient cycle, reduced use of artificial fertiliser and effects of increased awareness about water and wastewater when it is applied at household level.
The workshop ended with a round table discussion about the challenges and opportunities of this new approach to wastewater management. Presentations can be downloaded from the Run4Life website.