The new élan of the Biorefine Cluster Europe
The agenda of businesses, research institutes and governments towards circular economy is gaining strength and momentum, which is why the BioRefine Cluster Europe is increasing the intensity of interaction with the member projects. The driving forces behind the central coordination, Ghent University and the European Biogas Association (EBA), have recruited a dedicated Communication & Community Manager.
A further step, is the launch of a brand new digital platform at the domain at the start of 2018. The current relaunch of BioRefine Bulletin is also an illustration of this increased dissemination activity. We also published a special issue on Advances & Trends in biogas and biorefineries which can be downloaded in ‘open access’.
Finally, we are also setting up dedicated community groups, starting with one on Nutrient Recycling in continuation of the EIP-AGRI focus group carrying that same name.
I hope you enjoy the new pace we are picking up, in line with the increasing momentum in the transition towards a circular economy. Follow our developing media and try to catch up with the movement.
Sincerely yours, Erik Meers