ReNu2Farm agronomic trial protocols for evaluation of recycling-derived fertilisers now online
Within the ReNu2Farm project several project partners (Arvalis and Celesta Lab in France, Inagro and U Ghent in Belgium, Teagasc and U Limerick in Ireland, and NMI in the Netherlands), have carried out trials to derive reliable information on these above-mentioned agronomic aspects of recycling-derived fertilisers. Protocols taking into consideration the specific nature and properties (for example of liquid mineral concentrates) have been developed for all trials, incubation trials in the lab, pot as well as field trials. To facilitate future research and practical consulting of farmers on the fertilising value of these novel products, the ReNu2Farm consortium decided to publish all used protocols so that they can serve as a reference in the future.
The collection of the different protocols, as well as a main text explaining the broader context, are available on Research Gate as well as on the Biorefine Cluster Europe website: Main report, Annex 1 (N dynamics in Lab, U Ghent), Annex 2 (N dynamics Field, Arvalis), Annex 3 (Nitrogen pot trial, U Ghent) , Annex 4 (N dynamics Field, Inagro), Annex 5a (P pot trial, Arvalis and Celesta Lab), Annex 5b (P pot trial, U Limerick), Annex 6a (P field trial, Arvalis), Annex 6b (P field trial, Teagasc) , Annex 7 (Organic matter mineralization Lab, U Ghent), Annex 8 (N losses Field, NMI).