ESNI Conference  2024

Growing the Future of Nutrient Recycling

Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 September 2024 | Brussels

The European Sustainable Nutrient Initiative brings together leading experts in the field of nutrient cycling to foster collaboration among European entities engaged in nutrient recycling, facilitating the exchange of valuable experiences and identifying knowledge gaps to guide future research.

Below you can download the presentation of the ESNI 2024 Conference (if available).

Programme Day 1 | Wednesday 18 September

ESNI Community
European Sustainable Nutrient Initiative

The history of ESNI, its Working Groups and plans for the future

Plenary session 1: “What is the current status of the Fertiliser Product Regulation and what are expected next steps?”
Keynote speaker: Theodora Nikolakopoulou, Policy Officer at DG GROW, European Commission.

Plenary session 2: “Biogas as key technology in nutrient recuperation”
Keynote speaker: Laure Baillargeon, Policy Officer at the European Commission.

Parallel session 1 – Technology

“Biogas beyond energy” – Official launch of the ‘Task Force 5.2 report: Concentrates on improving and enabling the valorisation of digestate’ by the Biomethane Industrial Partnership.

Parallel session 2 – Market

Hands-on nutrient management: barriers and opportunities in EU & regional legislation and economic strategies. Interactive session organised by the NENUPHAR project.

Parallel session 3 – Market

Algae-based fertilizing products from recycled side-streams: the legal journey. Session co-organized by EU4Algae, Algae Sustainability Study and AlgaeProBanos.

Programme Day 2 | Thursday 19 September

Plenary session 3: “Environmental Footprint methods: overview, applications and outlook”
Keynote speaker: Mauro Cordella, Policy officer at DG ENV, European Commission

Plenary session 4: “A cautious approach to reconciling the Green Deal and the prevailing economic system”
Keynote speaker: Ludwig Hermann, Senior Business Advisor and founder of Proman Management

Parallel session 1 – Sustainability

Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) of alternative fertilising products: presentation of NOVAFERT‘s methodological proposal

Parallel session 2 – Agronomy

The NutriPlatform is bridging the gaps between science, policy and farmers for optimised nutrient management in the EU. Workshop organised by the NutriBudget project.

This was an interactive session without slides.

Parallel session 3 – Market

“Realising a Living Lab approach” – The ReNu2Cycle project will host a special information exchange session that addresses the practical challenges researchers encounter when implementing and integrating Living Labs across their projects.

This was an interactive session without slides.

Parallel session 4 – Market

Driving circular fertilisers adoption in Europe. The FER-PLAY project partners showcase their findings on policy barriers hindering the uptake of the circular fertilisers selected in the project.

Parallel session 5 – Technology

The Nutri-Know project partners will present their newly developed Results Amplification Methodology, with the aim to assess the clarity and effectiveness of the procedure and the engagement of the target groups.

Parallel session 6 – Technology

‘Turning Waste water into Resources: Cutting-Edge Technologies for Sustainable Nutrient Recovery’ – Session organised by the Walnut project.