ReUseWaste was created dur to the need to improve management and utilisation of organic matter and nutrient resources in animal waste to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ammonia and odour, as well as to improve energy outputs and limit the impact on soil and water quality.
The project provided a unique opportunity for young researchers to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to develop and use new technologies for a socially and environmentally responsible management of animal waste.
The ReUseWaste network brought together major EU research groups from leading universities and research institutes, key agri-environmental technology companies and public authorities, from the countries and regions of most intensive livestock production in Europe.
Discover the deliverables
- Tech. Univ. Lisbon
- Univ. Limerick, ULI
- Univ. of Copenhagen, UCPH
- Univ. of South. Denmark, SDU
- Univ. Torino, UTO
- Univ. Trás os Montes & Alto Douro, UTAD
- Wageningen Univ., WU