The recovered valuable fractions will undergo enzymatic modification & further conditioning techniques before their addition in various product prototypes in an industrially-relevant environment. PROLIFIC ambitions a total of 16 prototypes for the food, feed, packaging & cosmetic sectors.
The overall impact of the Prolific project is to address specific challenges posed by the valorisation of untapped biomass streams. Specifically, these include:
- Addressing the present European food policy for the provision of safe, nutritious, high quality and affordable food to European consumers by valorising the increasing amounts of side-streams from the processing of legumes, fungi and coffee;
- Become the leading solutions’ provider for ingredients/additive alternatives or complementary to those currently available
- Contributing to meet the increasing demand for bio-based, active, and biodegradable molecules and polymers to be used for polymer formulations and applications;
- Introducing and validating bio-polymers and green additives in packaging applications
- Growing the bio-plastics sector and thus mitigating climate change;
- Contributing to produce new generation of functional feed products also aiming at reducing the dependency from antibiotics
- Contributing to produce innovative cosmetic products using more sustainable bio-based ingredients
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Project Coordinator
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Switzerland
Project Partners
- Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' degli Studi di Bologna, Italy
- Innovacio y Recerca Industrial Isostenible SL, Spain
- Universita' degli Studi di Parma, Italy
- Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Conserve Alimentari, Italy
- Celabor SCRL, Belgium
- IGV Institut fur Getreideverarbeitung GMBH, Germany
- Stolzenberger Reiner Erich, Germany
- Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant VZW, Belgium
- Conserves France, France
- RTD Talos Limited, Cyprus
- Tsatsos Georgios, Greece
- Illycaffe S.P.A., Italy
- Nutrition Sciences NV, Belgium
- Pleurette, France
- Femto Engineering SRL, Italy
- Innovacoop SRL, Italy