Space in the border regions of Flanders, Wallonia and France is scarce. However, many parcels remain unused at the moment, for example due to environmental pollution.The respective (regional) governments are currently strongly committed to the identification and redevelopment of these often abandoned, underutilized and neglected sites. The underlying idea is to revalue such brownfields, rather than opening up new areas. The project regions should also achieve international goals (COP21, Climate and Energy 2030), with reduced dependence on fossil sources, lower greenhouse gas emissions and implementation of sustainable economic activities.
In the transition to a more circular economy, it is crucial to ensure economic (re)development as well. The intended production and valorisation of biomass can stimulate a transition to innovative, bio-based business management in the area of raw material valorisation as well as bio-energy.
New-C-Land has the ambition to:
a) identify marginal land in the regions concerned with the best possibilities for biomass valorisation (non-food),
b) bring landowners and biomass customers into contact in order to encourage the development of industrial value chains and
c) eliminate practical and organizational bottlenecks in order to initiate biomass projects.
New-C-Land will have a direct impact on companies in the border region by tackling crucial issues from the bottom up, which companies cannot solve on their own. In the long term, the project will stimulate the trans-regional bio-based economy through the sustainable use of local resources produced on marginal land.
Project coordinator
- University of Gent, Belgium
Project partners
- Chambre d'Agriculture de Région Nord Pas-de-Calais, France
- Direction Régionale de l'Alimentation, l'Agriculture et la Forêt Nord Pas De Calais, France
- Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech Axe Echanges Eau-Sol-Plante, Belgium
- Inagro, Belgium
- Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS), France
- Yncrea Hauts de France - Etablissement ISA, Groupe HEI ISA ISEN, France
- Atrasol, Belgium
- ValBiom, Belgium