LIFE byProtVal – Protein recovery and recycling from animal by-products processes

According to the European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA), 17 million tonnes of animal by-products (ABPs) are managed annually in Europe, from which 2.85 million tonnes of animal fats and 3.65 million tonnes of processed animal proteins are produced, the rest is destined for landfill disposal or incineration.

This poses a problem for both the climate and the environment since they can contain harmful substances. Therefore, ABPs plants (EC Regulation 1069/2009) require tuning up alternatives to minimise, recover and/or reduce the impact of their elimination.

A promising viable alternative is transforming protein fraction into protein-based products such as amino acid-based  biostimulants and biochemicals agents which is the main objetive of LIFE byProtVal project which would contribute to reduce both the dependence of fossil-based materials and wastewater and byproducts protein rich discarded while is developed a bioprocesses with greater added value for the industry.


LIFE byProtVal bioprocess

Development of LIFE byProtVal demonstration plant


Validation of biostimulant on cabbage seeds

Project website 

Project Coordinator

  • INESCOP, Spain

Project Partners 

  • Granja Otivar, S.L., Spain
  • Tumpler Española, S.A., Spain
  • Energygreen Gas Almazán, S.L., Spain