LIFE byProtVal – Protein recovery and recycling from animal by-products processes
This poses a problem for both the climate and the environment since they can contain harmful substances. Therefore, ABPs plants (EC Regulation 1069/2009) require tuning up alternatives to minimise, recover and/or reduce the impact of their elimination.
A promising viable alternative is transforming protein fraction into protein-based products such as amino acid-based biostimulants and biochemicals agents which is the main objetive of LIFE byProtVal project which would contribute to reduce both the dependence of fossil-based materials and wastewater and byproducts protein rich discarded while is developed a bioprocesses with greater added value for the industry.
LIFE byProtVal bioprocess
Development of LIFE byProtVal demonstration plant
Validation of biostimulant on cabbage seeds
Project website
Project Coordinator
- INESCOP, Spain
Project Partners
- Granja Otivar, S.L., Spain
- Tumpler Española, S.A., Spain
- Energygreen Gas Almazán, S.L., Spain