Ecoval Sudoe – Management coordination and recovery strategies for sludge and organic waste in the SUDOE region

ECOVAL proposes a new approach for the management of urban organic waste that has a lower environmental impact and promotes the circular economy, thanks to the conversion of waste into resources. 

The project will promote the biofactory model, replicable throughout the European Union, to obtain bio-products with high added value from sewage sludge and urban bio-waste.

ECOVAL will develop the complete value chain from the collection of waste to the marketing of the end product, through the development of innovative biotechnological processes that allow volatile fatty acids – demanded by the plastic, lubricant and agrochemical industries – to be obtained from sludge and urban organic waste.



Check the Project website 


Project Coordinator 

  • Cetaqua, Water Technology Centre, Spain


Project Partners

  • Cetaqua, Water Technology Centre, Spain
  • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, France
  • Fundacion Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y Leon, Spain
  • FEUGA, Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega, Spain
  • Porto Ambiente, Empresa Municipal de Ambiente do Porto, Portugal 
  • Nereus, Belgium