
AgRefine is a European Training Network that trains 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the necessary skills and knowledge to position Europe as the global leader in developing an agri-bioeconomy industry based on the advanced biorefinery technologies.

AgRefine will disrupt the mechanism by which biomass is currently being used bu cooperatively integrating innovative stand-alone technologies so that the highest values, socio-economically beneficial products per input substrates can be achieved.

The ETN consists of 15 highly interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral PhD projects, each specialising in specific aspects of the bioeconomy.  The network will combine assessment of legislation and policy as it applies to the bioeconomy, with industry-led innovation of AgRefine technology, market-led experience of sustainable value chain creation.

An integrated training programme will facilitate the amelioration of Europe’s agri-sector competitiveness and environmental sustainability challenges by creating new and optimising current agri-resources and agri-waste valorisation pathways. The ETN will provide training in a number of cross-cutting multidisciplinary and highly interdisciplinary technical subjects areas including chemical and process engineering, biological science, life cycle assessment (LCA) and economies.The ESRs will receive training on adopted RRI principes, project management, communicaiton, presentation and media skills.

The network will provide the ESRs with access to partners with key-expertise in the bioeconomy, gaining a range of relevant transferable skills and expertise in environmental, economic and social aspects of AgRefine.


Check the project website 


Project coordinator 

  • University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin


Project partners 

  •  Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark
  • Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
  • Universiteit Gent, Belgium
  • Wageningen University, Netherlands 
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Technilogikis Anaptyxis, Greece
  • TBW Research GESMBH, Austria
  • Bantry Marine Research Station Limited, Ireland