RE-Source Seminar Series “Bioresource Recovery– putting the circular economy to action. Waste to energy …and more!
The first session will be on October 11 from 14h-16h30 with the theme “Waste to Energy… and more”!
Preliminary Programme
14h – 14h10 Introduction on the Seminar Series (Marcella Souza, UGent)
14h10 – 14h20 The RE-Source AOP Community (Evi Michels, UGent)
14h20 – 14h30 The RE-Source International Community (Ana Robles, UGent)
14h30 – 14h50 Anaerobic digestion in Europe: a bird’s-eye view (Gregory Reuland, UGent)
14h50 – 15h05 Coagulation in Combination with Anaerobic Digestion for Enhancement of Resource Recovery from Fecal sludge (Pengyu Dong, UGent)
15h05 – 15h15 Coffee break
15h15 – 15h35 Introduction to pyrolysis, possible pathways and outcomes, what we do and what we can do (Prof. Frederik Ronsse, UGent)
15h35 – 15h50 Activation from residual biomass with eutectic mixture of chlorine salts toward energy storage carbons: influence of temperature and salt to biomass ratio - Przemyslaw Maziarka
15h50 – 16h05 Catalytic pyrolysis of waste tires: elucidating the reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysts effects on product distribution - Tamara Alejandra Menares Tapia
16h05 – 16h30 Open questions session
You can register for this session via the link
More information about the Seminar Series can be found on