16 09 2021

NUTRIMAN final conference: Save the date!

The NUTRIMAN project is coming to its end and it is ready to present its interesting results! The final conference will take place as an online event on 16 September 2021, 09:00-17:00 CET.

NUTRIMAN is a Nitrogen and Phosphorus nutrient recovery management and nutrient recovery thematic network, which is compiling knowledge ready-for-practice. The recovered N/P innovative fertilisers hosted in the Farmer Platform, are being produced from un-exploited resources of organic or secondary raw materials in line with the circular economy model. All the nutrient recovery products and technologies are in full compliance with the new EU fertilising products regulation EU 2019/1009, which will be implemented from July 16, 2022.

Highlights of NUTRIMAN results and impacts:

  1. Collection and distribution of easily accessible practice-oriented knowledge on the N/P recovery thematic area, including delivering “practice abstracts” in eight languages in the common EIP-AGRI format and audio-visual materials;
  2. Conserving the practical knowledge for the coming ten years beyond the project period >2031 and using the main trusted dissemination channels which farmers/foresters consult most often, and also serve education and training purposes;
  3. Increasing the flow of practical information between farmers in Europe in a geographically balanced way, creating spill-overs and taking account of the differences between territories; and
  4. Achieving greater user acceptance of collected Farmer Platform solutions on the NUTRIMAN web www.nutriman.net and more intensive dissemination of existing knowledge.

During the final conference, the three years project results will be summarised and presented; from the knowledge collection to the spreading of knowledge for the existing nutrient recovery innovations that are ready-to-practice but not yet known or used by practitioners. On the second half of the day, there will be several presentations of selected recovered products, and the day will close with a networking session with Chambers of Agriculture and producers organisations where the focus will be put on the most urgent needs of farmers. The full agenda will be available soon!

If you are interested in nutrient recovered products and technologies we are warmly inviting you to join our event. The registration is free of charge but it is mandatory to register here. You will receive the MS teams link to join by email before the event.

Please make sure you also check your spam folder for the confirmation email and the registration link!   


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Registration deadline: 10 September 2021.              



NUTRIMAN would like to know your opinion!

We also kindly ask you, before the event, to fill out the mini-survey:


For any updates, follow Nutriman on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn or visit the NUTRIMAN project website https://nutriman.net/. For any further information, please send an email to the project coordinator Edward Someus, 3R-BioPhosphate Ltd. in conference@nutriman.net or https://nutriman.net/contact



16 September 2021 - 16 September 2021