06 07 2021
Grassification webinar: Assessing the Potential Use of the Liquid Fraction of Roadside Grass
The Grassification project is delighted to invite you to its upcoming webinar on 'Assessing the Potential Use of the Liquid Fraction of Roadside Grass', which will be held on Tuesday 6 July from 15:30 to 17:00 CEST.
During the webinar we will provide insight on the potential use of the liquid fraction of roadside grass clippings for the production of organo-chemical fertilisers or as a nutrient source for growing protein-rich biomass. Along with that, we will also discuss the potential of the liquid fraction for energy production using anaerobic digestion and we will hear relevant experiences from other grass-related projects.
Interested in learning more on this topic? Check the preliminary programme here and join the debate!