14 06 2022
Final event of the New-C-Land project
With the rise of the biosourced economy, the demand for plant-based raw materials is growing rapidly. It is therefore crucial today to consider the spaces that can accommodate crops in order to meet these future needs and to support the biomass value chains present in the cross-border area. This is the objective of New-C-Land.
Provisional programme
- 12.30pm Welcome of the participants with a lunch (offered)
- 1pm New-C-Land: a project to give new life to marginal sites
- 1.15pm A tool to identify marginal sites with biomass potential and their users
- 2pm Questions and answers
- 2.15pm New-C-Land’s journey and lessons learned
- 3.45pm Industrial hemp and its role in the recovery of contaminated land and the production of fibre for the textile industry
- 4pm Questions/answers
- 4.15pm Conclusion
- 4.20pm Closing drink of the project (offered)
- 5pm End of the event
The final programme will be available soon.
Practical information
- Date : Tuesday, June 14, 2022 – from 12.30pm to 5pm
- Venue : Point Centre, Av. Georges Lemaître 19B, 6041 Charleroi, Belgique
- Free participation; registration is mandatory
- To registration
- A question? Contact Aurore Leprêtre : a.lepretre@valbiom.be