23 09 2021
Biogas Lab Webinar Series: Performing biogas feedstocks in a climate-neutral economy
Preliminary Programme
14:00 Welcome & SESSION 1: 'Deploying new technology solutions'
Moderator Harmen Dekker, EBA Director
- Maximizing biogas production with agitators developed with sensor technology, Bart Brouwer, International Sales Manager at Jongia Mixing Technology
- Renewable DME production from advanced gasification, Lizzie German, Renewable DME Product Manager at SHV Energy
- Q&A
14:45 SESSION 2: Driving forward the research on biogas
Moderator Prof. Erik Meers, UGent
- ALG- AD project: Creating value from waste nutrients by integrating algal and anaerobic digestion technology, Dr. Claudio Fuentes Grunewald, Research Officer, Swansea University
- MICRO4BIOGAS: Evolving microorganisms for improved biogas production, Dr. Manuel Porcar, Applied Microbiologist and Synthetic Biologist at I2SysBio (University of Valencia-CSIC)
- Q&A
15:30 Wrap up & Closure