04 09 2024

ADBA Northern Ireland Conference

The Northern Ireland National Assembly’s biomethane strategy will be the focus of the ADBA Northern Ireland Conference 2024. With the current round of stakeholder consultation ending in August, the conference be the first opportunity for biogas stakeholders to gain insight into the emerging framework to scale up the industry.

In launching the consultation, the NI Assembly recognised the energy and environmental benefits of scaling up the sector, to address nutrient pollution and protect the future of farming and tourism, increase energy security and meet the province’s net zero targets. ADBA’s annual conference will feature insights from top policymakers, industry experts and thought leaders, alongside a host of BAT exhibitors.

The Conference will open with a ministerial update and consider the policy and finance mechanisms that can scale up the industry, and cross-border partnerships to develop a green gas network. Key sessions include health and safety updates from the ADBA Technical Support Team, and insights from the first biomethane injection into the gas grid.


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 ICC Belfast

2 Lanyon Place
Belfast, BT1 3WH United Kingdom

04 September 2024 - 04 September 2024